
Showing posts from January, 2021

To Master the Arts of Great Innovations and Creation

Adopt the Business Wizards' Path



How to Assess Your Leadership Style

Goleman and Stanford explain the dramatic impact of empathy on the performance of executives. Yet, many management books equate men with materials in the 5 M concept. The title of the subject, Human Resources Management also treats people as resources like materials, etc. There is an urgent need for a radical change in the mindset. An empathic leader achieves better results through intimate bonds between himself/herself and the people who work for him/her. A bureaucrat uses authority, procedures, rules and regulations to move, rather than drive people to achieve goals. “Business is people” is an empty catchphrase for many in authority. But for charismatic and empathic leaders, it is a cardinal principle or an article of faith. The charismatic leadership style is the most cherished one, but it is also highly difficult to attain and maintain. We have attempted to provide a guide to assess your charisma and empathy levels. “What makes the difference between stars and others is not their a

We regret to inform you that due to unavoidable circumstances, for some time, the blog will be published only on the last Saturday of every month