
Showing posts from February, 2022

To Master the Arts of Great Innovations and Creation

Adopt the Business Wizards' Path



Teachers Enhance Assets, Capabilities, Honour and Immensify Nobility & Glory

"Teaching is the one profession that creates all the other professions" - Anonymous  ___________ (Note: This is a sequel to our blog of July 2021 titled "Rewiring of the Brain is a Must When Rapid Change Leads to Reality Jumping Ahead of Fantasy”) _____________ “Hi Krishna! What a surprise! You are a metamorphosed Indian, almost Yankee,” said Krishna’s bosom friend Ram. “Looks like your team’s visit to the USA was a grand success.”   “At a personal level, yes,” Krishna said. “You remember before leaving for the US trip, I was so very diffident and wanted to drop out of the team because the mission was full of new technologies that had baffled me. But thanks to your transformational ‘sermon’ on the concept of 'rewiring of the brain' by perusing wider topics, expanding my network and considering myself a ‘student for life’, my mindset changed completely. I started learning about new topics with resources on the internet and also built up friendly relations with the

We regret to inform you that due to unavoidable circumstances, for some time, the blog will be published only on the last Saturday of every month