
Showing posts from May, 2023

To Master the Arts of Great Innovations and Creation

Adopt the Business Wizards' Path



To Avoid Colossal Losses, Hone the Art of Judgement

Errors of Judgement Can Cause Horrors Crash of Life, Careers, Marriages, Families, Friendships,  Businesses, Projects, Cars, Planes, Missiles, Spaceships “ Judgement!!” exclaimed the cricket commentator, when a fielder stopped the ball just short of the boundary, secured a direct hit and bagged a wicket for his side. In that one word tinged with high excitement, the commentator summarised judgement skills like learning, motivation, understanding, concentration, commitment, attention, experience, choosing options, etc. The acid test of judgement, as this anecdote shows, is in the result. A keen sense of judgement is the master key to success in all fields. Dr Noel Trichy’s statement  makes clear the singular make-or-break nature of this virtue: With good judgement, little else matters. Without it, nothing else matters. When masters of judgement gain mastery, they become champions, demonstrate sustained high-level performance that turns them into legends, and some, even historical heroe

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