
Showing posts from October, 2023

To Master the Arts of Great Innovations and Creation

Adopt the Business Wizards' Path



Social and Commercial Conflicts Cause Cruelties to Millions & Cost Trillions

T actfulness A dvances L earning & L eadership & C ures C onflicts “This writeup lacks a sense of proportion. It unfairly generalises haphazard, scattered happenings.” “It runs down our civilisation and insults a majority of well-behaving people.” “It paints usual differences among democratic citizens as conflicts and unreasonably damns all respectable folks as ‘cruel’. In fact, it attempts to equate humans to wild animals and…..” These were the reactions of some local erudite people, high level executives and social ‘leaders,’ who attended an informal meeting that was arranged to sound them out about the first draft of this blog. We explained to them that according to the Cambridge Dictionary the word ‘cruel’ means:   "extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals, with an example of usage that reads, “Don't tease him about his weight - it's cruel.” We tried in vain to bring to their notice that ‘civilised’ people always have virtues of


C redible H ighly A cceptable & N ovel G rowth E ngine C hange L everages, A ccelerates & I nspires M inds For C harity , H umility , A ccessible , R ejuvenate , I nclusive , S incere , M esmeric , A mity       The tectonic changes like AI, ChatGPT, 3D, Elon Musk’s brain chip ‘neuralink’, flying cars, human- less factories, human embryo incubators, colonizing of Mars, mining on the moon etc.  have turned the world upside down. It will continue to move upside down given the incredible speed of change. Chaos will become more intense. Similar changes in the past had also created fears, anxieties and chaotic conditions. But, leaders with a clear vision initiated policies and techniques to turn change into benefits, expanding businesses and institutions and in turn raising the standards of living.  Therefore, we cannot keep on watching the incoming changes with awe, fear and anxiety. All of us have to initiate changes and usher in newer products and services for higher prosperit

We regret to inform you that due to unavoidable circumstances, for some time, the blog will be published only on the last Saturday of every month