
Showing posts from July, 2023

To Master the Arts of Great Innovations and Creation

Adopt the Business Wizards' Path



Introspection & Attention for Tension Prevention

By Controlling ----- T emptations, E go, N egativity, S uspicions, I ndividualism, O pportunism, N euroticism ---and Cultivating F aithfulness, R ationality, E mpathy, E legance, D ignity, O penness, M indfulness for A spiration, C ourage, T alents, I ntuitions, O penness, N etwork                                         Why one more dose on tension and stress, many may ask.  There are four main reasons: This ‘dose’, unlike many others, is not about palliatives and quick remedies but, one advocating (i) total transformation inside out into a healthy whole being through constant introspection and course-corrections (ii) taking control of one’s own life and affairs (iii) acquiring and retaining freedom from fears (the main causes of tension and stress) and always acting mindfully “to bloom like a flower to raise your own power”. Tension and stress is a perpetual, horrifying pandemic that, according to WHO and other reliable sources, affects an estimated 1.3 billion people worldwide, c

We regret to inform you that due to unavoidable circumstances, for some time, the blog will be published only on the last Saturday of every month